
A warm welcome to Music for Galway’s 40th Season! It is such a relief and joy to be able to welcome back live audiences again as we mark our significant milestone. For many of you it must be hard to believe that you have been coming to these concerts for so long. So how to celebrate our birthday? By looking back and looking forward: With our opening 40th Gala Concert we welcome back many artists who have graced our stages over the past four decades. Looking back, we are mounting an exhibition at the Town Hall Theatre during the Midwinter Festival honouring the achievements of those who went before us and documenting the various steps that have taken us to where we are today. Ever looking ahead, we have commissioned our former artistic director
and one of MfG’s founders, Jane O’Leary, to compose a new work for piano and orchestra, to be premiered by our current artistic director, Finghin Collins, along with the RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra, one of the many long standing partners of MfG. This is scheduled for the second half of 2022 – truly something to look forward to!

Because of some remaining uncertainties around Covid, we have decided to announce only the first part of the 40th season for now, taking us up to the Midwinter Festival in January. That festival will focus on the hugely important composer Sir Charles Villiers Stanford who was born in Dublin 170 years ago. Read on for more details. We thank the Arts Council, Galway City Council,  Sponsors and Donors and especially our Patrons and MfG Friends for their ongoing support. A special thanks to NUI Galway, our strategic partner and spiritual home. With all of these and our  wonderful audiences, MfG has continued to flourish over the years. As we finally come together again to listen to music, may this music heal our minds and souls after the confinements of recent times!

Finghin Collins, Artistic Director and
Anna Lardi, Executive Director