Support MfG
By making a donation, you are helping us to keep artists in work and to connect them with you, our audience. We are doing everything we can to respond creatively to the challenges we now face, and your donations are providing a vital lifeline at this extraordinary time.
To make a donation, click the DONATE button below and enter the desired amount.
MfG Friends and Patrons are very important to our activities. We would not be able to run many of the parts of our programmes were it not for the generous help of so many. We would encourage you to join.
MfG Friend Donation: 40th Season: €50
MfG Friends are not just one of our important funding pillars, they are also our core audience with whom we communicate and go to for feedback. In order to thank our MfG friends for the support we offer:
- A special MfG Friend concession rate that is lower than the ordinary concession
- NEW: Priority Booking - with the current restrictions on live audiences, we are introducing priority bookings for MfG Friends whereby you will be given the opportunity to buy tickets before they are released to the general public
- NEW: Membership to the MfG Friends Concert Club - access to monthly online viewings of past MfG concerts
- Invitation to MfG Friends’ and Sponsors’ Opening Reception at Midwinter Festival (subject to restrictions)
- Listing on the MfG Friends’ Concert Programme
- Regular newsletters with advance information on all programmes and listings of other music events in Galway
- Concession rate on music events promoted by MfG partners
- Our popular Bring-a-Friend ticket scheme is currently on hold, due to Covid audience restrictions. We look forward to reintroducing it soon
To become a Friend, click the DONATE button below and enter €50 in the amount field.
Bronze Patron €250 | Silver Patron €500 | Gold Patron €1000
All our Patrons are listed in all the concert programmes that MfG produces throughout the season and all the Friends’ benefits listed above, extend to them.
To become a patron, click the DONATE button below and enter €250/€500/€1000 in the amount field.