MfG Offshoots


Songs of Travel is an international project supported by Creative Europe. The aim of the project is to raise awareness and foster empathy around the climate and refugee crisis, and to write new, relevant classical music and make this available to a wider audience.

The Norwegian partners have created an interdisciplinary suite of lesson plans that focus on the newly-commissioned works as well as the themes of sustainability and migration. The lesson plans combine these themes in a unique and exciting way and are aimed at all classes in primary school and from first to third year of secondary school.

The lessons have been sent out to schools across Norway, Sweden, Ireland and the Netherlands, and have been adapted to the curriculum objectives for the applicable subjects in each participating country.

Should teachers and students be interested, they can also take part in an international exchange of their work. We are contacting schools this autumn with the aim of enrolling as many interested teachers and schools in the programme for the spring.

Click on the button below to access the education pack.

For further details please email

Pictured below: Alex Petcu with children from Coláiste an Eachréidh, Athenry and Presentation College Headford during last year's outreach programme in the Black Box.

outreach with alex petcu_web


Our collaboration with the Galway Music Residency Ensemble Skills Programme continues this October when the students will have the opportunity to work with the Cassiopeia Wind Quintet.

We are exploring our collaboration for spring of 2025.

Pictured below: Alex Petcu working with students of the Galway Music Residency Enselmble Skills Programme in November 2023

Alex Petcu Workshop_web



The Galway Bay is Calling project resulted in a stirring performance of ‘Leave no Trace’ by Naomi Berrill with Galway Voice, the Galway Jam Circle and Galway Camerata conducted by Matthew Berrill at the beginning of Cellissimo.

Already developing offshoots, the community groups have been invited to repeat the performance during Galway’s inaugural Climate Inspiration Festival on September 14th in Middle Street at 1.30pm.

Galway Bay is Calling aimed to raise awareness in the participants of how the ocean influences us and how we are influenced by it. It is a collaborative project led by MfG, Galway Atlantaquaria
and ATU. It is funded by the Creative Climate Action Fund, managed by Creative Ireland and funded through the Spark stream by the Department of Culture and the Department of the Environment.

Don’t miss this chance to catch another performance of this evocative piece - come along to Middle Street at 1.30pm.