'Galway Bay is Calling'
(working title) 


...is a project funded by the Creative Ireland Spark Funding Programme that Music for Galway (and Cellissimo 2024) is running in partnership with the Galway Atlantaquaria (GA) and ATU. We are looking for YOU, the enthusiastic musicians and singers of Galway, to participate!

What is it about?

The project is about informing you about marine life, about Galway Bay, and to get you to think about how we influence the ocean and how it influences us. You will learn what you can do to mitigate stresses on our beloved bay and on the oceans of the world.

And the music?

Next you will co-create a new piece of music with cellist/composer/singer Naomi Berrill. She will visit you in rehearsal and talk to you, play with you and bring your impressions and sounds inspired by the workshops with the Atlantaquaria people and write a piece for her as soloist with you the project orchestra/choir. This piece will get its premiere on the opening day of Cellissimo (18th - 26th May, 2024) in Leisureland.

What is the commitment?

There are three groups involved:

  • The Galway Jam Circle
  • Galway Adult Strings
  • Claddagh Choral Community Choir

We would love for you to sign up but once you do, we would ask you to commit to 8 dates between now and September of next year (see schedule below) and do your best to be present for those dates (see what group you are in - it may be possible for you to join another group for the occasional date, if you can't make the one with your own group).

For more information you can contact your music group leaders.

We hope you'll answer the call and look forward to having you as part of our project!

Anna, Maria Vittoria, Garry and Joao


Workshop 1: Rockpool Exploration with Garry Kendellen (GA) (all involved)

  • Sat 16 Sep, 11:30am to 1:30pm
  • Grattan Beach
  • This is an outdoor workshop so we will have the following make up dates if weather prevents this workshop from happening: Sun 17 Sep from 12:00-2:030pm OR Sun 1 Oct from 12:00-2:00pm (this would be a last resort!)


Workshop 2: Aquarium Tours with Dr. Maria Vittoria Marra (Education and Public Engagement Officer GA)

  • Tue 17 Oct - Claddagh Choral's Adult Community Choir - 2 sessions may be required to accommodate numbers (sessions limited to 25 people)
  • Wed 18 Oct - Galway Adult Strings
  • Thu 19 Oct - Galway Jam Circle


Workshop 3: Behaviour Change Sessions with Dr. Joao Frias (ATU)

  • Tue 7 Nov - Claddagh Choral's Adult Community Choir -  2 sessions may be required to accommodate numbers (sessions limited to 25 people)
  • Wed 8 Nov - Galway Adult Strings
  • Thu 9 Nov - Galway Jam Circle

Music Workshop: Naomi meets with each group during their session times, to get their impression and ideas for the composition

  • Tue 14 Nov - Claddagh Choral's Adult Community Choir
  • Wed 15 Nov - Galway Adult Strings
  • Thu16 Nov - Galway Jam Circle moved


  • Naomi Berrill to provide finished composition in desired form to each group


  • Each group to rehearse the piece as required in advance of the main rehearsals


  • Sat 11 May - 2 hour rehearsal with conductor
  • Wed 15 May - 2 hour rehearsal (if required)
  • Fri 17 May - 3 hour rehearsal - full programme
  • Sat 18 May, 10am to 12 noon - dress rehearsal and sound balance / 1.00pm -  Cellissimo - Galway Bay is Calling Concert - Leisureland: each group perform individually and new composition premiered by all ensembles together


Fri 20th September - CULTURE NIGHT: each group performs independently at the Galway Atlantaquaria.