“Hup the Cello!” – The Cello in Irish Trad Music with Natalie Haas and Guests
Tuesday, March 30, 2021 at 7:30 pm
Music for Galway & Galway 2020 present
Natalie Haas cello | Caitlín Nic Gabhann concertina | Ciarán Ó Maonaigh fiddle
Join us online for a live-streamed event with some of today’s most prominent figures in the Irish cello world as we discuss the history of the Irish cello, the challenges of being accepted into the trad session scene, and where we see the future of cello in trad music going in Ireland and beyond.
This is a truly unprecedented gathering of cellists from around the world who have made a name for themselves performing cello in an Irish trad music setting – groundbreaking artists including, but not limited to, Rushad Eggleston, Neil Martin, Liz Davis Maxfield, Ilse DeZiah, Kevin Murphy, Alec Brown, Leah Rankin, Lioba Petrie, Kate Ellis and Mary Barnecutt.
Natalie is then joined by Irish duo Caitlín Nic Gabhann from Co. Meath (three time All-Ireland champion on concertina and former Riverdance member) and Ciarán Ó Maonaigh from Co. Donegal (grandson of Francie Mooney, member of Fidil, and former recipient of TG4 Young Musician of the Year) for half an hour of toe-tapping tunes featuring cello as an accompaniment to fiddle, concertina, and dance.
[quick_view id=”22252″] This live event is over but it is available to access and purchase until Sunday 4 April when it will come off-line at 7.30pm.
Music for the Senses
THE TOUCH OF WOOL: 6.15 pm – 7.15 pm
Anne Ó Máille has been part of one of the longest established draper and wool shops in the County and has taught knitting to knitting enthusiasts from all over the world. Paired with our Trad concert, Music for Galway offers a knitting class led by Anne teaching one of the many traditional Aran stitches.
Price List:
- Concert €12
- Concert plus knitting class €19
- Concert plus knitting class plus yarn €24 + €4.50 postage (Ireland only)
Please note that the one off postage charge will go up to €7.55 if other add-ons are purchased.
Unfortunately, it is not possible for us to deliver to the UK at this time; however if you would like a price for postage to Europe, please email us at info@mfg-clone.j1uvjv83ud-zqy3jzqq16kg.p.runcloud.link.
To ensure delivery of packages before the concert date, we can only accept orders up to Thursday 25 March, before 12 noon.
[quick_view id=”22252″]
Music for Galway provides all services on a best effort basis. While making every effort to provide support, MfG accepts no responsibility for any technical difficulties on the side of the consumer, whether it be due to limitations of their own technology or broadband capacity.