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Marc Coppey

Masterclass – Marc Coppey

Friday, March 26, 2021 at 2:30 pm

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Music for Galway & Galway 2020 present


Marc Coppey Cello

One of our legacy ambitions is to give a new generation of cellists the opportunity to learn and develop their skills. As we gather some of the top cellists in the world for CELLISSIMO , we decided to invite a small group of eight budding cellists to take part in the festival. They will not only have the opportunity to perform in their own showcase concert on Monday 29 March but they will take part in a series of eight masterclasses given by our master cellists.


These events are FREE and will be available to view on MfG’s YouTube channel. The students will get the chance to work with their role models while audiences will get an insight as to what goes on behind the scenes.

Search Masterclass to find them all.


Supported by SAP and Marc Coppey’s appearance in CELLISSIMO is in partnership with the French Embassy in Ireland.  




Music for Galway provides all services on a best effort basis. While making every effort to provide support, MfG accepts no responsibility for any technical difficulties on the side of the consumer, whether it be due to limitations of their own technology or broadband capacity.
