Volunteers wanted!
September 2024

Volunteers play a huge role in the success of Music for Galway.
As a MfG volunteer, you will be part of a friendly and diverse team who welcome and engage our audiences helping ensure they have a great experience.
Stewarding, ushering, and selling merchandise are just some of the main roles in our volunteer programme.
A great time awaits you with an opportunity to learn new skills, make new friends and immerse yourself in the arts. Experience the behind the scenes of musical events while contributing to the successful delivery of our 43rd season.
For more information contact info@musicforgalway.ie

As part of our Songs of Travel project, our Norwegian partners have created an interdisciplinary suite of lesson plans that focus on the newly-commissioned works as well as the themes of sustainability and migration.
They worked specifically with the curricula of the four festival partner countries (Ireland, Sweden, Norway and the Netherlands) to provide the teachers with solid lesson plans aimed at all classes in primary school and from first to third year of secondary school.
Should teachers and students be interested, they can also take part in an international exchange of their work.
Contact alice@musicforgalway.ie for more information.

Uniquely, Ireland can claim to be the birthplace of Handel’s Messiah, which premiered on Fishamble Street in Dublin on 13 April 1742. As Christmas approaches and Handel’s Messiah is performed all over Ireland and around the world, Music for Galway and Resurgam are determined to stage Messiah for, by and with the community of Galway next December - Galway Messiah.
For the world premiere of Handel’s Messiah in 1742, more than 700 people squeezed into Neale’s Music Hall, a venue that could comfortably fit 600. In the festive days before Christmas next year, Music for Galway and Resurgam plan to pack out Saint Nicholas’ Collegiate Church on Sunday, 14 December 2025, for Galway Messiah in the heart of Galway.
Handel’s Messiah is a major work of historic significance and world renown. People across the community in Galway will have a rare and coveted opportunity through the community choir Saint Nicholas’ Singers to join Resurgam and Vespera baroque ensemble for parts of Galway Messiah.
Galway Messiah to be presented by Music for Galway and Resurgam
in Saint Nicholas’ Collegiate Church, Galway on Sunday, 14 December 2025.
If you would like to join the St. Nicholas' Singers for this Galway Messiah, please contact Maureen Rabbitt on (087) 230 8860 or projects@resurgam.ie. Spaces are limited and will be filled on a first come, first served basis.
If you would like to contribute to Galway Messiah in any way, please contact Anna Lardi at anna@musicforgalway.ie or Linda O’Shea Farren at info@resurgam.ie