Rebecca Murphy

Rebecca Murphy photo_AP

Northern Irish Soprano, Rebecca Murphy, hailed by Opera Journal for her ‘stunning delivery’, is making waves across the UK and Europe on both the concert and operatic platforms. She was a member of the Internationales Opernstudio at Oper Köln from 2020-22, and previously was a member of the Northern Ireland Opera Studio (2018-19). She is also a regular guest with the Ulster Orchestra and the Belfast Ensemble.

Rebecca’s recent roles on the operatic stage include Zerbinetta Ariadne auf Naxos for Garsington Opera, Najade Ariadne auf Naxos for Nederlandse Reisopera, Blonde Die Entführung aus dem Serail for Oper Köln, Frasquita Carmen, Sandmännchen/Taumännchen Hänsel und Gretel, Pünktchen Pünktchen und Anton, Woglinde Das Rheingold für jung und alt, Dritte Norn/Woglinde Götterdämmerung für jung und alt, and Helmwige Die Walküre für jung und alt – all for Oper Köln.

Also a lover of contemporary music, she works regularly with Irish composers including Anselm McDonnell, Conor Mitchell, and Ian Wilson. Her debut album – Traverser la blancheur (funded by the Arts Council of Northern Ireland), is influenced by this style, as well as a heavy focus around Polish repertoire – another area of interest. Working closely with duo-partner, pianist Cahal Masterson, she has also featured on Anselm McDonnell’s album Kraina, and has premiered the material at the Centre Culturel Irlandais in Paris, as well as performing it in various recitals across Ireland and the UK.

Rebecca is the recipient of the Arts Council Northern Ireland Young Musicians Platform Award (2022).