‘The Cellist’ – Film
Wednesday, March 31, 2021 at 4:00 pm
Music for Galway & Galway 2020 present
The Cellist – a film by Murray Grigor
Supporting his family at 8, playing for silent movies, surviving pogroms, Piatigorsky became principal cellist of the Bolshoi at 15 & met Lenin. Virtuoso cellist and raconteur, escaping the Soviet Union made him an action hero.
Fleeing Europe in 1939 to become an American, ‘The Cellist’ revels in his musicianship, wit & humanity, as recounted by the virtuosic cellists and musicians he taught.
The ticket also includes a talk by Ludmila Snigireva about the legendary Russian cellist Mstislav Rostropovich, who will be joined in conversation by his former student Mischa Maisky. The Rostropovich Talk starts at 3.00pm.
[quick_view id=”22253″] This live event is over but it is available to access and purchase until Sunday 4 April when it will come off-line at 7.30pm.
All CELLISSIMO performances will be available to access and purchase until Sunday 4 April when they will come off-line at 7.30pm.
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