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Familie Decibel

The Decibel Family

Friday, May 1, 2020 at 10:00 am

Town Hall Theatre

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Music for Galway & Galway 2020 present

Micha Wertheim | Fay Lovsky | The Decibel Family

– A wonderful play by Fay Lovsky and Micha Wertheim


Everyone can make music. To prove that, Micha Wertheim was instructed by the Ministry for Education to learn to play the cello. For two years he has had the opportunity to practice on a Stradivarius specially made available to him for this performance. He is about to perform one of the master pieces in cello music: The Swan by Camille Saint-Saëns. Great plan, don’t you think? Until Micha comes on stage, his hand is bleeding, there is a life-threatening saw loose and
everything runs differently than expected…


The Decibel Family is based on the picture book of the same name that Micha Wertheim wrote with
illustrations by Cristina Garcia Martin.


This funny and entertaining show is very much geared towards the young and young at heart and we recommend it for people age 6 and up. We are delighted to present it every morning from Wednesday to Saturday.


Sponsored by Yvonne Barry

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