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Cellissimo_Richard Wigmore

Richard Wigmore – Insights on Bach Cello Suites

Friday, March 26, 2021 at 12:15 pm

St. Nicholas’ Collegiate Church

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Music for Galway & Galway 2020 present


Richard Wigmore

A regular contributor to Music for Galway’s Midwinter Festival, we are delighted to welcome musicologist Richard Wigmore to CELLISSIMO to introduce what is seen as “The Bible” for cellists all over the world – the six solo suites by J.S. Bach.

Richard will set them in historical context, describe their overall structures and point out some highlights to look forward to over the next six days.

Our Bach Plus Series, running over six consecutive days from Friday to Wednesday, presents all six suites chronologically, with our six different cellists in different parts of Europe selecting partner works to give us a beautiful 45-minute lunchtime programme.


This event is FREE and will be available to view on MfG’s YouTube channel




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